PocketConsole v1.3

A Windows NT-like Console for the Pocket PC

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NetTools are TCP/IP management and diagnostic tools. They consist of the following commands:

  • Ping
    the Packet INternet Groper utility for TCP/IP.
  • Ipconfig (PocketPC 2002 only)
    shows information about installed network connections.
  • Route (PocketPC 2002 only)
    manipulates the Network Routing Tables.
  • Net (PocketPC 2002 only)
    performs network-related operations.
  • Netstat (PocketPC 2002 only)
    display network-related statistics.

News (May-01-2003)

For full revision history read the NetTools Changelog

  1. Changed: minor output cosmetics on ipconfig
  2. Added: netstat.exe (PocketPC2002 only) network utility from Microsoft®


  • Port ipconfig and route to Pocket PC devices, i.e. reprogram without the iphlpapi library.
    Remark: Implementing ipconfig and route without iphlpapi should be possible by the undocumented WSControl function and some registry lookup. It's not clear if and how DHCP /renew and /release can be implemented without the new Pocket PC 2002 tcp/ip stack. For more information on that issue please contact pocketconsole@symbolictools.de


Perform the following installation steps:
  1. Install PocketConsole, the console device driver.
  2. Install a command prompt. Either CMD from Microsoft or PocketCMD, the open source command line interpreter from SymbolicTools/ReactOS. (You can also install both of them.)
  3. Install the NetTools version depending on your Pocket PC platform.

Source Distribution

Nettools is based on sample source code from
Microsoft® Windows CE Platform Builder Emulation Edition


  • Type ipconfig /? on the command prompt to list IP configurations.
  • Type ping on the command prompt for usage.
  • Type route on the command prompt for usage.
  • Type net on the command prompt for usage.
  • Type netstat /? on the command prompt for usage.

to Windows CE® Platform Builder

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© 2002-2003 SymbolicTools E-Mail pocketconsole@symbolictools.de