Hello, Pocket PC Developer,
why should you need a text based console on the Pocket PC?
One point is porting software from other platforms to the Pocket PC.
There are still lots of stdio-based programs out there, especially on the Unix platforms.
Porting such programs to the Pocket PC will be much easier if you can write a "main" program
and use the standard c-runtime functions instead of writing message loops.
Another point is testing/debugging. You can use
PocketConsole for debugging
standard Windows/MFC based applications.
Yust sparkle debug messages as printf functions in your source code. If you run your application, PocketConsole will open up a console window and display there your messages. This will be much faster than using OutputDebugString calls. Since the PocketConsole window lives in another
process address space than the debuggee,
these printf's will in most cases not interfere with your application.
For detailed information on how PocketConsole integrates into Windows CE read this article.
Writing PocketConsole Applications
In order to develop PocketConsole applications with embedded Visual C++ you can download Port SDK,
the PocketConsole Runtime Software Development Kit.
Port SDK makes writing PocketConsole applications with embeded Visual C++ is as easy as
writing console applications with the Developer Studio VC6.0.
Port SDK contains an application wizard which performs all the steps necessary to build a minimal PocketConsole application.
The picture on this page contains a "Hello World" application generated by the wizard.
If you're an eMbedded Visual Basic Developer, read this article to see how you can use PocketConsole in your
embedded Visual Basic Programs.