PocketConsole v1.3

A Windows NT-like Console for the Pocket PC

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\>Port SDK

Port SDK

Port SDK is the PocketConsole Runtime Software Development Kit.

With Port SDK you have access to the following functions:
  • low / high level console API functions (show function list)
    • color support
    • unicode support
    • multiple screen buffers
    • installable CTRL-C handler
  • extension of the coredll c-runtime library (show function list)
  • Giuseppe Govi's STL port for Windows CE®
  • Unix like SIGINT handling
Port SDK consists of the libaries for ARM, MIPS, SH3 and x86 targets and the corresponding header files.

Also included in Port SDK is the application composer Pozard, the PocketConsole Application Wizard. Pozard integrates into the embedded VisualC++ IDE as a new application wizard.

Figure 1: Pozard (click to enlarge)

What's new in Port SDK v1.3 ?

For the complete revision history check the Port SDK changelog

May-01-2003 (Version 1.3)

  1. Added: assert function.
  2. Added: Giuseppe Govi's STL port for Windows CE.

Download /Installation of Port SDK

  1. Execute PortSDK.msi(ARM, MIPS, SH3, X86). This will install Port SDK on your desktop.
  2. Read readme.htm for installation instructions.

© 2002-2003 SymbolicTools E-Mail pocketconsole@symbolictools.de